Friday, 19 June 2009

Back to the reality of everyday life....

I'm back from holidays and pleased to report I had a fab time and enjoyed spending some quality time with Mr SC - and got a few of my 101 started as well! We had several picnic lunches so I've ticked off 74 - Go on a picnic at least 4 times each summer - for 2009 at least. I kept a travel journal of the trip and took over 400 pictures in a week! I really like my new camera - I got a 13megapixel one for £99 and although I'm still learning how to use it I'm enjoying taking pictures of anything that takes my fancy. There was a lot of pictures of random things, food we ate, designs of buildings I liked, wildlife I saw, to keep a record of things that please me. All I have to do now is task 56, pick my favourite holiday shots and get them printed so I can add them to my travel journal.

I didn't know what my husband's favourite book was, so while we were away I asked him lots of questions about his favourites of every kind of thing, and it turns out his favourite book is also one of mine, so I'm going to re-read it and then that's number 54 ticked off. It also drew my attention to the fact that he still hasn't moved all his stuff here from his parents house so we are going to sort that out next week so the house has more of his things integrated with mine (and his mum can finish turning his old bedroom into a larger living room!!) I organised all my finances so my savings come out by standing order once I get paid every month so I can achieve 21, 22, and 23 and my savings will take care of themselves while my mortgage balance reduces.

The most important thing I think I've done this week though is find out how to register for bone marrow and organ donation - and next week I am going to donate blood for the first time. I read about platelet donation and how each donation provides enough to treat 3 people and that I can donate every month if I'm suitable so I'm going to do this. When I go they will register me for the bone marrow register as well. I'm not sure if this qualifies as doing something charitable regularly as I kind of felt I should volunteer at a domestic violence shelter or to help a charity with an event but I want to commit to something I will be able to keep up on a regular basis.

I've added some pictures from our holiday of the beautiful scenery that we were surrounded by. Nothing could beat the feeling of swimming each morning in the open air pool surrounded by trees and greenery, I only wish I could afford to live in a village that has an open air pool (and the weather to use it all year round!)


  1. Sounds like a lovely holiday and looks very picturesque. Great news on getting the finances in order to be able to support some of your 101 challenges.

  2. What amazing photos!
    Where did you go?


My ideal view

My ideal view